Friday, October 12, 2007

Module 3:blogs vs. e-zines

This week I will be examining the use of e-zines and how they size up against against blogs.To get started I have researched two websites, both of which relate to news and current events.


This e-zine titled American Journal, takes you through major happenings in America's culture and provides a glimpse of what's to come next.


This blog had a variety of articles included. There were some blogs addressing the issues of foreign techies who are being given green cards, and even some about the popular search engine Google and how it is begginging to expand it's database by incorporating it's own e-mail service called G-mail.

Comparing and contrasting the two sources provided much more insight as to how the two sources may be useful, and how they impact traditional print journalism. Although the e-zine was difficult to find I found that it was more interactive. The layout on e-zines seems more flexible as far as what you can do with video clips, sound, and pictures. Most of the e-zines however,wanted your information to gain you as a legitimate subscriber. Looking at most of the blogs I found, the result was just text with a mild to moderate format. Although the two sources I found did not cover the same events, I'm sure there are blogs and e-zines out there that do. Judging credibility was difficult, as I dont know if the information I read was credible or not. However, I would feel like I was being provided more trustworthy information had i have been reading a print newspaper or magazine because I feel like those people within an organization such as the L.A. Times or Vogue are there because they know what they're doing. Many blogs and e-zines are started by random people who may to provide their opinion or are highly biased which is okay but doesnt render the information as factual.

I think that my position still stands valid that online material such as blogs have had a tremendous impact on the print journalism industry. Since my job here was to compare and contrast two forms of online media I am gong to give my research a 3, in that it neither supported nor unsupported my thesis.

Until next week. H@ppY BogginG!!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Monica, I also feel that sources like magazines and newspapers are much more trustworthy than blogs. The people who work for these organizations are more professional and are getting payed to write factual articles.